Spectrum Foundation
Being a part of Spectrum is like walking into a room that is filled with a cozy warmth, but which also exudes a subtle mystery that touches something deep within you. It's finding yourself home in a room full of strangers, and having meaningful and laughter-filled conversations until dawn. Whether it's yoga or meditation, Taizé or philosophy; Spectrum has a place for all of you: body, mind and spirit
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Self care..

Spectrum is open to all students and young minds, and no membership is required to our activities. We embrace diversity among the students including nationality, class, race, culture, religion, philosophy of life, gender, and sexual orientation.

Join in!
Mondays & Thursdays
12:30 to 13:15
Forum Library Room 366


We organize activities that unleash mindfulness, soothing both your body and mind.
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We organize workshops to connect, heal and discover self.
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Our excursions are enjoyable and nourishing to the eyes.
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Jeannette den Ouden
Jeannette den Ouden is theologist and pastor of the Arboretum Church and student chaplain for Spectrum. She has worked over 15 years with Lectio Divina and uses it for her daily inspiration.

Jeannette den OudenChaplain

Josine van der Horst
Josine is a chaplain

Josine van der HorstChaplain

Dorothée Berensen
Since April 2024, I am a student chaplain for Spectrum. She is theologist and pastor and she loves to drink tea with students and colleagues and take time together for a ‘walk & talk’. Her motto in life is is: ‘Do small things with great Love’ 💜

Dorothée BerensenChaplain

Marloes Harkema
Marloes Harkema works for Spectrum as coordinator for Buddhist activities and life coach for the WUR. For the last years we have used quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh, Desmond Tutu, Rumi, Julian of Norwich, Pema Chodron, Etty Hillesum and Tara Brach.

Marloes HarkemaBuddhist Life Coach

Alexa Eckardt
I have participated in many of the wonderful Spectrum activities before deciding to become part of the team. The community helped me a lot when I first moved to Wageningen and I love being surrounded by other spiritual people. Next to my role as Team and Activity Manager, I facilitate the Hatha Yoga lessons and I am part of the Taizé prayer band.

Alexa EckardtTeam Coordinator

Carlos David Avendaño
I am a Master student from Colombia who has a diploma as a Reiki teacher, I an very knowledgeable and talented in this discipline. I enjoy working with the Student team of Spectrum.

Carlos David AvendañoMeditation Coordinator

Milo Schep
I love to meet people from all over the world. Through connection we find purpose.

Milo SchepTreasurer

Aimee Chelsea Ong
I am a first year bachelor who loves cows! I’ve been joining Spectrum activities since the beginning of my first year; I am honoured to be able to be apart of the team, a community filled with kind and genuine people.

Aimee Chelsea OngSocial Media Manager

Stellamaris Aju
As an enthusiastic Externus, I am dedicated to connecting Spectrum with other associations or individuals who would like to partner with us for activities across our pillars. Together with the team, I am passionate about realizing impactful activities for the students/employees and building strong community connections.

Stellamaris AjuExternus

Lena Maynard Vallat
I enjoy working with the amazing team of Spectrum.

Lena Maynard VallatOffice Manager

Clare Nakimpi
I am passionate about brand visibility therefore enjoy working with Spectrum. This offers me opportunity to take time off my work and meet new people.

Clare NakimpiPR Manager

Susana Berenice Zarzoza Mora
I love embracing myself, and I have found Spectrum activities to be uplifting and helpful for self-connection, from energetic workshops to serene moments of meditation. As Activity Manager, I aim to help create events that foster connection, balance, and joy, making every event a unique experience. Let's explore, grow, and celebrate life together.

Susana Berenice Zarzoza MoraActivity Manager

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Our activities are calling out to you
Mondays & Thursdays
12:30 to 13:15
Forum Library Room 366